Developing the Future

We are naturally curious…we choose to work on emerging technologies, stuff that is difficult and requires constant learning…we love it.

We are bilingual, fluent in English and Geek. We understand that the pace at which technology evolves is overwhelming. We see our role as taking your idea and making it happen, without bothering you with geek speak or the underlying technology.

Fuel & Gas Management

We have developed liquid fuel and gas solutions, primarily for wholesalers that supply and transport large volumes of product. Modules are available for wholesalers, retailers, transporters, delivery scheduling, stock, driver and order management, suppliers and customers. There are currently integrations into well known accounting and ERP systems and a growing number of fleet and storage telemetry systems. In addition, we have mobile apps for drivers where information such as photos, location and other metrics are fed back into the system for a real time view of operations.


We have built a number centralized and decentralized exchange platforms in the blockchain space. Our centralized exchange offering is a complete maker-taker trading platform for pairs that are any combination of fiat, crypto or ERC20 token, which offer highly performant orderbooks and fiat onramp and offramp using a range of payment gateways.

Our DeFi (decentralized) solutions allow for full integration to a range of browser-based, hardware or mobile wallets.

NFT Marketplace

We have developed liquid fuel and gas solutions, primarily for wholesalers that supply and transport large volumes of product. Modules are available for wholesalers, retailers, transporters, delivery scheduling, stock, driver and order management, suppliers and customers. There are currently integrations into well known accounting and ERP systems and a growing number of fleet and storage telemetry systems. In addition, we have mobile apps for drivers where information such as photos, location and other metrics are fed back into the system for a real time view of operations.


As the benefits of blockchain based systems increase, we are seeing more and more demand for customized dApp solutions where frontends are interacting directly with a smart contract, or collection of smart contracts. This replacement of the conventional client-server model, has some fundamental differences from regular programming that we are well versed in.

Smart Contracts

With a focus on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) smart contracts, we have developed a heap of smart contracts along existing standards and bespoke to particular requirements. We have deployed contracts on at least 15 different types of chains in both PoS and PoW environments. Each contract is extensively unit tested and gas optimized for maximum efficiency.

Digital Solutions

For all other digital solutions, be it AI, hardware integrations, API integrations, mobile apps or consulting, we would be really keen to discuss your requirement over a video call, or in person.

Ask us how we can revolutionise your company.

Get in touch.